Revolution University

Industry insights to inspire your projects

September 22, 2023


Work with your Production Assistant to Maximize Efficiency and Collaboration!

If you’re a Production Manager, delegating to your Production Assistants will help you save time and help them grow professionally. Learn the art of delegation in this blog post.

September 18, 2023


Understanding the Payroll Process through the Production Accountant’s eye

Seasoned Production Accountant from Warner Bros. Gabby Kashtelian talks about the payroll process in film production.

September 11, 2023


Payroll Best Practices for Animation Studios: Ensuring Compliance and Efficiency

Learn about ensuring compliance and efficiency in Animation from Production Finance veteran Carolyn Urban.

September 4, 2023


The Delicate Balancing Act of Conflict Management as a Production Leader

We'll delve into the art of conflict management as a leader, exploring conflict resolution strategies and ways to manage conflicts.

September 4, 2023

Jobs, Recruitment

What Recruiters Look for in a Candidate

This article is part of our Impact Production Talk series, hosted by NPACT, Women in Nonfiction, and with speakers Michele Calderigi, Tracy Lawrence, and Russell Davis.

August 31, 2023

Industry News

Get-through-the-strike and what’s next on the horizon

Hollywood is on Strike! Learn more about the Strike and the light at the end of the tunnel.

August 28, 2023


Inspiring Creativity in Teams by Tracy Lawrence

Learn how to inspire innovation in your team from the Founder & CEO of The Lawrence Advisory and the Senior Executive Coach, Tracy Lawrence

July 26, 2023


Mastering the Art of Setting Achievable Timelines in Commercial Advertisement Production

We’ll explore some best practices for getting your timeline in ship-shape so you can enjoy smooth sailing during filming and post!

July 26, 2023


Apocalypse How? Recovering from Embarrassing Professional Mistakes on Set

Let's explore the art of recovering gracefully after committing a major blunder in the film production office.

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